Dawn Leonard RMT

Thoughts on health, education and other musings by a self proclaimed introvert…

Scholars using Twitter

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In my PIDP 3240 Media Enhanced Education class a fellow student created a podcast reviewing an article related to Scholars and Twitter.  I have often wondered is it worth the time? Is it a professional enough platform?

The article she reviewed is  Scholars in an increasingly open and digital world: How do education professors and students use Twitter? George Veletsianosa and Royce Kimmonsb 

The podcast has inspired me to delve more into Twitter.  As the podcast suggests professors are followed  more if the content is witty and controversial and comes is a more casual format.

Here are a few simple rules to follow.

  1. Tweet often
  2. Follow experts in your field
  3. Self Identify as an instructor
  4. Read and respond to become engaged
  5. Retweet and create original content
  6. Create your own classroom hashtag
  7. @ – to send a tweet someone or include them
  8. # – organizes tweets by a common subject



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